After you place an order it usually takes us 1-2 business days to pack and get it ready to ship. Packages are typically delivered within 3-5 business days after the ship date for U.S. orders and 11-14 business days after the ship date for international orders. Delivery times on free shipping options are based on estimates and are not guaranteed. Don't worry we do our best to provide accurate estimates and we communicate tracking details once your order is shipped.
For non-continental U.S. States and Territories delivery times are usually within 11-14 business days after the ship date.
You placed an order and want to know its status?
Track your order here.
Select the order you would like to track and click on the "Track Package" button (please make sure you are logged in into your account before accessing the link).
For help with shipping issues or delays call us at +1 (800) 433 2367 Monday - Sunday 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM EST and we'll be happy to assist.